Jan 22, 2024

Harnessing AI: 6 Ways Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Can Integrate Artificial Intelligence

Sam Reis
Director and Developer

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword or a privilege of large corporations. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly realising the potential of AI to revolutionise their operations, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive. Here are six practical ways SMBs can integrate AI into their business models.

Improving Customer Service with AI Chatbots

One of the most visible and immediate applications of AI is in customer service. AI-powered chatbots can handle routine inquiries, provide instant responses, and free up human agents for more complex tasks. These chatbots can be integrated into websites, social media platforms, and even internal systems, offering a 24/7 service that can significantly improve customer satisfaction.

Some examples of great chatbots for your website are:

  1. Intercom: This is a popular customer messaging platform that offers a suite of tools for live chat, marketing, and customer support. Intercom's chatbots are known for their ease of integration and use, enabling personalised, conversational experiences.
  2. Drift: Drift provides a conversational marketing platform that includes a chatbot capable of qualifying leads, booking meetings, and integrating with other sales and marketing tools.
  3. Zendesk Chat: Formerly Zopim, Zendesk Chat offers live chat with automated triggers, as well as AI-powered bots to engage customers and help scale customer service operations.

These chatbots can be customised according to the specific needs of a business and are designed to integrate seamlessly into existing website frameworks, providing a more interactive and responsive user experience.

Enhancing Marketing Efforts Through Data Analysis and Database Record Extraction

AI's ability to process and analyse large datasets is transforming marketing strategies for SMBs. By extracting information from various database records – such as customer demographics, purchase histories, and interaction logs – AI algorithms can uncover hidden patterns and trends. This process involves several steps:

  • Data Extraction: AI tools can access multiple databases, extracting relevant records while ensuring data integrity and security.
  • Data Cleaning and Integration: The extracted data is then cleaned and integrated to form a unified dataset. AI can handle inconsistencies, missing values, and duplicate entries, ensuring the data is accurate and usable.
  • Analysis and Insight Generation: AI algorithms, particularly machine learning models, analyse this integrated dataset to identify customer behaviour patterns, preferences, and potential market segments.
  • Application in Marketing: The insights gained can then inform targeted marketing strategies. For instance, predicting which customers are more likely to respond to certain types of promotions or identifying which products might appeal to different segments.

By leveraging AI in this manner, SMBs can make their marketing efforts more data-driven and customer-centric, leading to increased efficiency and higher return on investment.

Automating Inventory Management with AI and FileMaker

AI has the potential to revolutionise inventory management for SMBs, making it more efficient and responsive to market demands. Integrating AI with FileMaker, a popular database management solution, can take inventory management to the next level. For example:

  • Predictive Analysis for Restocking: AI enhances FileMaker's database capabilities by predicting future inventory needs based on historical sales data and current market trends. This helps in maintaining optimal stock levels, avoiding overstocking or stock shortages, and ensuring efficient inventory turnover.
  • Automated Ordering System: By combining AI with FileMaker, the inventory management system can automatically place orders with suppliers when stocks reach a certain threshold. This automation not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of human error, ensuring a more efficient restocking process.
  • Customised Reports and Insights: FileMaker's ability to generate custom reports is amplified with AI's analytical power. SMBs can gain detailed insights about inventory trends, demand patterns, and supplier performance. These insights are crucial for making informed strategic decisions, such as adjusting sales strategies or improving supplier negotiations.

The integration of AI with FileMaker provides a powerful tool for SMBs to optimise their inventory management, making it more responsive, efficient, and aligned with broader business objectives.

Data Enrichment for Enhanced Client Insights

Data enrichment, a crucial process in the world of AI, involves augmenting existing client data with additional external information, thereby enhancing the quality and value of the data. This process is particularly beneficial for SMBs looking to gain a deeper understanding of their clients. The steps involved are:

  • Identification of Key Client Data: Initially, SMBs need to identify the critical pieces of client data they already possess, such as contact details, transaction history, or interaction logs.
  • Client Logos: You can populate your Client Information with a logo retrieved by AI. Perhaps you only have half of the contact information for your client; just the business name and phone number. Tell AI to search the internet and retrieve more information, including a logo to store in your database.
  • External Data Sourcing: Next, AI tools can help source additional data from external databases, public records, social media, and other publicly available sources. This might include demographic information, interests, or behavioural patterns.
  • Data Integration and Cleaning: The external data is then integrated with the existing client data. AI helps in cleaning this merged data, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
  • Analysis for Enhanced Insights: Post-integration, AI algorithms analyse this enriched dataset to extract deeper insights about clients. This could involve identifying client segments, predicting purchasing patterns, or understanding client needs more comprehensively.
  • Application in Business Strategy: These insights allow SMBs to tailor their services or products more closely to client needs, improve client engagement strategies, and even identify new market opportunities.

By enriching client data, SMBs can achieve a more nuanced understanding of their clients, leading to more personalised and effective business strategies.

Tools that can facilitate this process include:

  • Clearbit: A powerful tool that enriches client databases with external information. It can append missing client details, such as company size, industry, and other demographic data, providing a more comprehensive view of each client.
  • FullContact: This tool offers identity resolution services that help businesses understand and engage their clients more effectively. It can turn partial identities into complete profiles to build richer, more nuanced customer relationships.
  • ChatGPT: Beyond customer service, ChatGPT can also be utilised for data enrichment by automating the extraction of meaningful insights from client interactions, emails, and feedback, thereby offering a deeper understanding of client needs and preferences.
  • n8n: Connecting external services together, n8n is a fantastic tool for consolidating externally gathered information and bringing it together into one single query return. n8n is a simple tool that automates routine online tasks for you. Think of it as setting up a series of digital steps, where one action (like requesting a company’s information) automatically leads to another (like asking ChatGPT or updating a database). It connects different online services, making repetitive tasks easier and saving you time.

By integrating tools like Clearbit, FullContact, and ChatGPT, SMBs can significantly enhance their client data, which in turn can inform more personalised marketing and service strategies.

Enhancing Decision-Making with AI-Driven Analytics

AI-driven analytics can transform the decision-making process by providing business leaders with deeper insights. These systems can analyse internal business data, market trends, and even competitor activities, offering a comprehensive view that aids in making informed decisions. Whether it's for financial forecasting, resource allocation, or strategic planning, AI analytics can provide a significant edge.

Leveraging AI for Enhanced Business Intelligence through Dataset Matching

Small and medium-sized businesses can greatly benefit from using AI to match and interpret complex datasets, leading to enhanced business intelligence. Here are two key ways this can be impactful:

  • Advanced Pattern Recognition and Predictive Analytics: AI excels in identifying patterns within large, integrated datasets from various sources, like sales, customer feedback, and supply chains. By recognising these patterns, AI can provide predictive insights, helping businesses forecast future market trends, customer behaviours, and operational efficiencies. This ability to anticipate and prepare for future scenarios is crucial for strategic planning and maintaining a competitive edge.
  • Real-Time Data Processing for Agile Decision-Making: AI's capability to process and analyse data in real-time is invaluable for SMBs in fast-changing markets. This immediate insight allows businesses to make quick, informed decisions, adapt to market changes swiftly, and capitalise on emerging opportunities. It ensures that businesses are not just reactive but proactively staying ahead of industry trends.

By focusing on these two aspects of AI in data analysis, SMBs can transform their approach to business intelligence, making it more dynamic, foresighted, and aligned with the rapidly evolving business landscape.


The integration of AI into business processes is not just a trend but a strategic imperative for SMBs looking to thrive in the digital age. By adopting AI in these areas, small and medium-sized businesses can not only optimise their operations but also enhance their customer experiences and make smarter, data-driven decisions. The future is AI-powered, and for SMBs, the journey begins now.

Bevl Software is committed to helping SMBs navigate and integrate AI technologies into their business processes. Feel free to reach out to us to see how you can integrate with AI.

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